How Structured Learning Assistance Works
The Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) program models the behavior of successful students. The goals and efforts of SLA are tied to the university mission, course purpose, and world of work. We create learning partnerships that involve faculty SLA facilitators, and students. The SLA program targets high-risk for failure courses, not students. We have found that some highly motivated and very successful students enroll in SLA courses to help ensure future success in their courses.
SLA Workshops are paired to courses with high failure and high student withdrawal rates. Faculty participate on a voluntary basis and supports the program design. Our facilitators are chosen for their knowledge in specific content areas. They act as role models to foster student responsibility and task commitment.
Students have the option to select course sections with SLA workshops at registration. Once registered in the SLA section, students consent to abide by the SLA Workshop and Attendance Policy. On average, SLA workshops offer three hours of extra course content - specific, directed study. In addition to the content, study strategies such as note taking, listening, study habits, and test taking are skills reviewed.
The SLA program is a unique academic support program, offering students up to 45 hours per semester of extra time on task at no additional cost to the student. There are no extra charges for participation in this program. We look forward to the opportunity for FSU students to grow and succeed.
SLA Workshop Introduction
Workshops are an important part of the academic course and must be attended with regularity if they are to be beneficial. The Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) workshops are designed to assist all students in successfully completing their course work. The workshops offer students study strategies, background information and practice time vital to academic success.