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Structured Learning Assistance Facilitator Information

About SLA Facilitators

Our trained facilitators have a high degree of content knowledge and effective study skills that they creatively integrate into their workshops. SLA facilitators are either industry professionals who are employed in the content area of their workshop, or they are successful upper level students who have mastered the course material. Many facilitators are highly recommended by FSU Faculty in their content areas.

In addition to preparing and offering approximately three workshop hours per week, SLA facilitators attend all of the course lectures, a lab section (if applicable), and meet with the faculty member weekly. This arrangement provides exceptional assistance to the students in the SLA workshops. Because they are present in all the course related activities, the facilitators know which areas to target in the SLA workshop. They can predict which material may be confusing or challenging. They also strive to make the workshops fun. In SLA, students learn course material with the help of handouts, games, practice quizzes and tests.

Many of our facilitators plan to become teachers and all of our facilitators enjoy helping their students become successful. We have a great team!

More Information

SLA Graduation Recognition