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Business Policies - Personal Use of University Technology

TO: All Members of the University Community 97:55
DATE: December 1997



    The University provides electronic and related equipment to its employees for the purpose of executing their work assignments and responsibilities. While this equipment is normally housed in a University facility, it may become necessary from time-to-time to assign these assets to individuals for use at their homes or other designated off-campus locations.


    Unit managers may authorize the use of appropriate University equipment at off-campus locations.

    An employee requiring the use of University-owned electronic equipment (e.g., laptop computers, PC's, printers, etc.) to accomplish University work at an off-campus location or to use equipment at a work-related conference must complete an Off-campus Transfer of Electronic Equipment form. The filing and retention of the transfer form is the responsibility of the departmental equipment custodian. This information is to be retained locally to document off-campus assignment of assets and to support the equipment inventory record in the University Fixed Assets (FFX) system. The FFX database must reflect the required asset control data for the responsible department/unit. It is necessary to create an FFX location update for off-site assignment of equipment when such usage relates to a capitalized FFX asset.

    Off-campus use of University-owned electronic equipment must be consistent with the University's Proper Use of Information Resources, Information Technology and Networks Policy, Business Policy Letter 96:7. The use of the University's electronic equipment for commercial purposes and/or financial gain, without prior authorization, is prohibited. You must avoid tying-up University electronic equipment for trivial applications. And, University equipment must not be assigned to non-University organizations except as approved by the Vice President for Administration and Finance.


    Board Approved Purchasing Policy - 4.5
    Proper Use of Information Resources, Information Technology and Networks Policy 96:7

Richard Duffett, Vice President
Administration and Finance

Contact: Finance Office - Property Control