Student Activities Specialist
by Stephanie Dallman - December 5, 2012
For the past 30 years, Teresa Fogel has played a huge role in Ferris’ Student Leadership and Activities office and, more recently, Career Services by assisting students.
“I’ve been fortunate enough to have been here so long,” Fogel said. “I have a lot of contacts, and I’ve built a ton of relationships. When someone asks me something, I may not always know the answer, but I always know where I can find it.”
As a Student Activities specialist, Fogel assists Registered Student Organizations on campus, oversees student employees in the Student Leadership and Activities office, and handles funding and administration for Student Government’s finance division.
“Watching how much our students, student employees and student organizations grow throughout their career at Ferris is the most rewarding part of my job,” she said. “We had a student one year who was very shy, especially when answering the phone, but by the time she left Ferris, she was a confident young woman. It’s nice watching students go through the process of finding themselves.”
Fogel also works directly with Entertainment Unlimited, the campus programming board, and the Homecoming Committee.
“Teresa has influenced the personal and professional lives of thousands of current students as well as alumni throughout the years,” said Jeremy Mishler, director of Alumni Relations. “Her mentorship has helped instill values ranging from organizing and planning to fiscal responsibilities.”
Mishler added that many Ferris students, faculty and staff affectionately think of Teresa as the “Eternal Homecoming Queen,” due not only to her work with students on the planning side of homecoming, but getting actively involved herself.
Fogel served as EU’s advisor until this year, when Student Leadership and Activities combined with Career Services and her role slightly changed. She still processes all contracts for Entertainment Unlimited, but stays behind the scenes.
“What’s really cool is when we have younger comedians and musicians come to campus. We can catch them while they’re young – before they get too big,” Fogel said. “It’s neat watching the artists progress in their careers and seeing them on TV. We’ve had a lot of cool acts in the past who are now huge, such as Adam Sandler, Jamie Foxx, Train and Nickelback.”
Fogel’s work has allowed her to provide a positive influence on students. She also works with Ferris’ Volunteer Center, which provides volunteer opportunities for students.
“There is so much more you can learn outside of the classroom. I recommend students try to get involved as much as they can,” Fogel said. “Through our new program on OrgSync, you can view all of the RSOs at Ferris, obtain information about each one or attend a meeting. It’s a good way to get out and meet people. Even if you decide that group may not be for you, you’ll make a contact, and you can find something else.”
Stephanie Dallman is a News Services student writer in University Advancement and Marketing.
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