July 25, 2024
Ferris State Construction Management student Kyle Varady learns about project management during internship with RAM Construction

Kyle Varady’s hard hat is ready if needed, but the Rockford native is spending more
time in the office this summer interning, focusing on oversight at RAM Construction’s
base in Grand Rapids.
Varady, a Ferris State University junior majoring in Construction Management, continues
taking on valuable internship opportunities while pursuing his degree.
“In 2023, I interned with Triangle Associates. There, I assisted a project superintendent
who had me out in the field working from the trailer,” Varady said. “I completed daily
logs and was lucky and grateful to continue my internship through the last year. I
joined Triangle when I had time between my classes and coursework.”
RAM Construction offers Varady the opportunity to experience the construction industry
“I am involved with more than one job at a time,” he said. “Project management looks
good to me now in terms of career paths in construction. I intend to intern every
summer while learning as much as possible in the field and classroom. It has been
beneficial to see how different companies approach their projects. I also look forward
to learning at Ferris as I complete my degree.”
Ferris State Building Construction Technology and Construction Management graduates are prepared for career opportunities in a high-demand industry, with options
in the commercial, industrial, or residential construction sectors.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, construction managers are in demand. The agency reports about 39,000 construction manager openings each year between 2022 and 2032, growing faster than average for all occupations. The annual median wage for construction managers was $104,900 in May 2023.