The First Lady's Attic has a healthy assortment of men's professional clothing as well. The Attic has many
suits, shirts, slacks, sport coats, and blazers. Professional clothing for confidence
and success.
Men's Interview Attire
- Suit (solid color, clean and pressed)
- Long sleeve shirt (white or coordinated with the suit)
- Belt matching color of shoes
- Conservative Tie or solid color
- Dark socks, dark dress shoes
- Little or no jewelry
- Neat, professional hairstyle
- Clean-shaven face or neatly trimmed beard
- Avoid heavy cologne
- Neatly trimmed nails
- Portfolio or briefcase
Interview Attire Tips
- Before you even think about going on an interview, make sure you have appropriate
interview attire and everything fits correctly.
- Get your clothes ready the night before, so you don't have to spend time getting them
ready on the day of the interview.
- If your clothes are dry clean only, take them to the cleaners after an interview,
so they are ready for next time.
- Polish your shoes.
- Bring a breath mint and use it before you enter the building.
- Attire tips from
- How to Tie a Tie
- Contact Ferris Career Services for more pointers and tips.