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State-level scholarships and awards are prestigious awards given to students in the State of Michigan by state-wide organizations.
The Outstanding Community Impact Award honors up to five undergraduate and one graduate student in Michigan who have made service an integral part of their college experience by their significant contribution to community resources. The recipient’s efforts build partnerships between their campuses and communities to demonstrate personal reflection and a commitment to lifelong engagement. Winners will receive $200 to donate to the organization of their choice.
The Commitment to Service Award recognizes two outstanding students from each of the Michigan Campus Compact member campuses for their commitment to service. Students are chosen specifically for either the breadth or depth of their community involvement or their service experience(s) and the demonstration of meaningful reflection of those experiences. Nominations for the Commitment to Service Award must come from the President/Chancellor’s office or their designees.
The Heart and Soul Award is given to students to recognize their time, effort and personal commitment to their communities through service.
Awarded annually to 32 students statewide for overcoming obstacles and stereotypes to achieve success in career and technical education.
Nationally-competitive scholarships are highly prestigious awards to encourage undergraduate research, cross-cultural communication or continuing education. These awards are highly competitive, so if you are interested in competing for one or more of these scholarships, please get in touch with the Honors Program staff early in your college career.
The Newman Civic Fellows Award honors inspiring college student leaders who have demonstrated an investment in finding solutions for challenges facing communities throughout the country. Through service, research, and advocacy, Newman Civic Fellows are making the most of their college experiences to better understand themselves, the root causes of social issues, and effective mechanisms for creating lasting change. These students represent the next generation of public problem solvers and civic leaders. They serve as national examples of the role that higher education can—and does—play in building a better world. The Newman Civic Fellows Awards are made possible through the generous support of the KPMG Foundation and Newman’s Own Foundation.
The American Rhodes Scholarship brings American students to study at the University of Oxford. The experience of a Rhodes’ scholarship is what initially inspired Frank Aydelotte to create Honors programs in America.
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program provides a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in these fields.
Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, founded in 1926 an boasting a rich literary and intellectural tradition, gathers together emerging writers to work closely with a fiverse and talented faculty.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers opportunities for recent graduates to conduct career-launching study and research abroad.
The Truman Scholarship Foundation recognizes juniors with leadership potential committed to careers in government, non-profit/advocacy sectors, education, or in public service.
The mission of the JKC Foundation is to help young people of exceptional promise reach their full potential through education. Financial need is a factor.
Junior Fellowships are awarded to students who are about to complete their undergraduate course of study and plan to begin graduate work.
Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the U.K.
Applicants must be college sophomores and juniors who have demonstrated outstanding potential and a commitment to pursuing careers related to the environment.
Seeks to further the goals of the Clinton Presidential Foundation to strengthen the capacity of people in the United States and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interdependence. In partnership with the American University in Dubai, the program will provide American students based in the US the opportunity to expand their educational and cultural horizons by studying in the Arab world.
The following are scholarships awarded at Ferris State University on a competitive basis.
The Stanley J. Dean Memorial Endowed Scholarship was established in 1994 by his family, friends and colleagues to give recognition to students who demonstrate outstanding leadership ability. In his 21 years at Ferris State University, Mr. Dean served in the positions of assistant to the president, administrative aide to the Board of Control, vice president for institutional relations and as a teacher of journalism and public relations. He encouraged students to get involved in campus and community affairs and become thoughtful leaders able to communicate with others. This Memorial Endowed Scholarship shall recognize students who have demonstrated such leadership ability and shall encourage participation in campus and community activities as a meaningful part of the whole educational process.
The John R. Smith Memorial Endowed Scholarship is for students who have either sophomore or junior standing at Ferris State University with a GPA of 3.5 or higher. Selection of recipients is based on a student's demonstrated leadership role on the Ferris State University campus in such activities as student government, campus publications, officially recognized clubs and organizations, student professional societies and volunteer activities in combination with the degree of academic achievement.
The Dr. William Sederburg Student Government Endowed Scholarship goes to a student who demonstrates commitment to leadership while a Student Government member. Applicant must be a full-time Ferris State University student.
The Edwin Harris Memorial Honor's Program Endowed Scholarship recognizes academic excellence, appreciation for and utilization of technology in the learning process and potential for success in the student’s chosen field. Applicants for this scholarship must be in the Ferris Honors Program of Ferris State University.
Applicants for this scholarship must be in the Ferris Honors Program of the University College at Ferris State University. Applicants shall be full-time undergraduate students of sophomore, junior or senior standing majoring in any program at Ferris State University. Recipient shall have a minimum 3.25 GPA at time of application. Special consideration shall be given for students who have demonstrated leadership and service to the community or the University. Preference shall be given to eligible students who demonstrate financial need determined by the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
The Torchbearer Awards are for graduating seniors who have displayed outstanding leadership skills on campus and in the Big Rapids Community.
The Rising Star Award is presented to emerging student leaders who have a least two years remaining in their career at Ferris. This award is intended for students who have already accomplished a great deal through leadership and involvement and who potential to achieve is even more evident.
Students wishing to be considered for this scholarship must be current, full-time undergraduate students in good academic standing at Ferris State University. The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 GPA at the time of application. The recipient must have demonstrated student leadership skills.
This Leading Shadows OMSS Leadership Scholarship is awarded to full-time sophomore, junior, or senior level undergraduates within any major. The recipient shall have a minimum 2.5 GPA at the time of the application. Preference shall be given to eligible students who demonstrate leadership through support of the Office of Multicultural Student Services programs and cultural awareness activities. Preference shall be given to eligible students who participate in the Teaching Others What Establishes Real Success leadership development program sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Student Services.
FSUbuntu is a registered student organization (RSO) that provides opportunities for students to explore their individual interests that relate to globalization, global issues and international affairs. They offer the Ubuntu International Student Ambassador Award and the Ubuntu Education Abroad Scholar Award. They, also, offer help to students who are pursuing the following, nationally recognized, scholarships: Fulbright Scholarships, Gilman Scholarships, and Truman Scholarships.