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Summer Internships: Sydnee Pruett

Ferris State University students gain valuable work experience through internships. Internships also can confirm or redirect career decision-making, provide marketability, develop people skills and enhance classroom learning. Many academic programs require one, but the experience is encouraged regardless to provide students with a better understanding of what will be expected of them in the workplace.

Many students are participating in internships this summer. Meet:

Sydnee PruettSydnee Pruett

She is: a junior in Hospitality Management (College of Business), minoring in Event Management. Sydnee is from Clinton, Indiana.

Her Internship/How Sydnee is Making a Difference: Sydnee completed an internship with the High Five Program, which took place at the Electric Forest Festival, in Rothbury. “This program is in place to keep the forest clean, so people can continue to attend this event for years to come. While we are there, we are planning events and ways to interact with festival attendees to have them be a large part of cleaning up the forest. We are making a difference by cleaning up large amounts of trash daily at the festival and by making others knowledgeable about how we can keep things clean outside of this festival.”

How Ferris Helped her Secure the Internship: “Joining an RSO, at Ferris, helped me to secure this internship. If I had not met the people and made the necessary connections, I would not have heard about this internship in the time that I did. Ferris is a wonderful university in terms of how it pushes you to find new opportunities in the ‘real world.’ It is a requirement that I complete two internships, which I have done. Now, I have more skills and references for my resume than I ever did coming into college.”

Future Plans: “This internship is showing me what it is like to work a large-scale event and how to properly react under pressure. At an event this large, you always have to be ready for anything to happen. After graduating from Ferris State University with my degree, in Hospitality Management, I am looking at continuing my education in the Master of Business Administration program, here at Ferris. After completing the master’s program, I want to work my way up to owning my own third-party planning firm. My goal is to work with large companies worldwide to provide their guests with an unforgettable experience.”

Ferris Core Value Sydnee Relates to: Collaboration: “I love joining new RSOs on campus and will continue to join as many as I can, to get to know more people on campus and to be a part of a variety of events going on around campus. I love working with others to create new ideas for campus events that will help new students feel more at home. I look forward to building more partnerships along the rest of my journey here at Ferris.”