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Summer Internships: Kennedy Kunkel

Ferris State University students gain valuable work experience through internships. Internships also can confirm or redirect career decision-making, provide marketability, develop people skills and enhance classroom learning. Many academic programs require one, but the experience is encouraged regardless to provide students with a better understanding of what will be expected of them in the workplace.

Many students are participating in myriad internships this summer. Meet:

Ferris State UniversityKennedy Kunkel

She is: A senior in Business Administration, with a minor in Marketing and Sales, from Linden, Mich. She is working in the headquarters of Diplomat Pharmacy, in Flint, Mich.

Her Duties: Kennedy is receiving prescription information, and communicating with insurers regarding cases where specialty medications have been denied by the provider. Physician assistant reviews are part of the appeals team, letters are written to communicate with insurers, or efforts are made to get pharmaceutical corporate support for the patient.

Advice for other students seeking internships: Kennedy said that her curriculum and classroom work have shown her the values of the corporation and the student should fit well, and pursue companies that match well, for the best experience. She researched the Diplomat website and worked through the College of Business internship coordinator to approach the opportunity.

Future Plans: Kennedy hopes to enter the pharmaceutical sales field, and would gladly accept a position with Diplomat, if one were offered.

Ferris core value that Kennedy identifies with: Learning. Kennedy said that her academic experiences, as well as those related to independently pursuing a degree have been positive and fulfilling. She also feels the core value opportunity is significant, as Ferris has provided career fairs, and receiving staff input and advice on career planning has been helpful in her personal development.