Board of Trustees
[email protected]
(231) 591-2505
TO: All Members of the University Community 2015:03
DATE: October 2014
Environmental Health And Safety Policy
(Supersedes 1989:04, 2000:07)
The purpose of this policy is to establish the University's commitment to environmental, health and safety.
It is the responsibility and intent of Ferris State University to protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, students and visitors while engaged in the educational and business activities of the University. To this end, the University will provide the necessary services and controls to promote, create and maintain a safe and healthful environment and operations. Colleges and departments shall develop programs, standards, and procedures to, at a minimum, comply with federal, state and local regulations.
The Safety, Health, Environmental and Risk Management (SHERM) Department has been established to provide a comprehensive program of services and activities to assist colleges and departments in protecting faculty, staff, students, visitors and the environment. The responsibilities of the SHERM Department shall include the following:
- Advise and collaborate with colleges and departments in the development of programs, standards and procedures to implement the University's compliance with federal, state and local regulations.
- Perform regular reviews of University facilities to identify hazards and potential hazards and determine compliance with federal, state and local regulations. Recommendations of corrective actions shall be submitted to the appropriate offices.
- Provide training programs to assist colleges and departments in complying with federal, state and local regulations and to promote safe, healthful and environmentally sound operating procedures.
- Review injuries, illnesses, incidents and near misses to recommend necessary actions to reduce the possibility of recurrence.
- Review proposals for new construction and major remodeling for compliance with federal, state and local regulations.
- Provide technical expertise and knowledge of regulatory compliance techniques for the guidance of management in the formulation of policy and decisions regarding the maintenance of a safe and healthful University environment.
- Operate a hazardous waste management system and provide necessary control measures for compliance with hazardous waste laws and regulations.
In order for the SHERM Department to fulfill its responsibilities contained in this policy and any other efforts to create and maintain a healthful, safe and environmentally sound University environment, the cooperation of all members of the University community is requested.
Jerry L. Scoby, Vice President
Administration and Finance
Contact: Safety, Health, Environmental and Risk Management Department