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Image of a flower at the Richard A. Santer Nature Preserve at Ferris State University

Richard A. Santer Nature Preserve

A Living Reminder of our Dedication to Nature

The Ferris State Nature Preserve was established in 1988, not as part of a master plan, but due to a need to preserve a natural space amidst campus development.

The preserve was officially dedicated on June 24, 1988, with the goal of providing free access to nature, in line with the university founder's beliefs. The preserve has faced challenges over the years, including encroachment and safety concerns, but it continues to be a valuable natural space on campus, overseen by a multidisciplinary committee. It serves as a living reminder of the university's dedication to protecting nature for future generations.

 The 22-acre Ferris State Nature Preserve was proposed by faculty in 1987, not as part of a master plan, but due to a need to preserve a natural space amidst campus development. Led by Dr. Richard A. Santer, a cross-section of University units—academic, non-academic, secretarial, grounds, faculty, and students of Allied Health, took action after learning of bulldozers about to begin developing the natural space behind Bishop Hall.

Entrance of the Richard A. Santer Nature Preserve at Ferris State University

Richard A. Santer

In 1996, as a tribute to his retirement, the nature preserve was rededicated in honor of Rich Santer, commemorating his profound impact on the Ferris State Campus. Professor Santer taught geography from 1969 to 1996, and during his tenure was awarded the Distinguished Faculty Award in 1981. He left an enduring mark on Ferris State through various endeavors, including his extensive collection of print resources utilized in delineating the boundaries and dimensions of the Great Lakes, known as the Richard Santer Great Lakes Basin Collection. Outside of Ferris State, his contributions were further recognized when he was awarded the History Hero Award by the Historical Society of Michigan in 2018.

Dr. Richard and Ruth Santer started the Dr. Richard and Ruth Santer Nature Preserve Endowment Fund in 2018 to help maintain the preserve and help pay for any education related project expenses. 

Preserve Map


Ferris State President's Dedication to Nature

decorative border

President Victor Spathelf

"The essence of life can be seen through nature – beauty, wholeness, peace, serenity, functionality and godliness. Let no person dare destroy it, depriving the generations to come."

Victor F. Spathelf
President, 1952 – 1970

President John Smith

"Of all the things future generations may inherit – a living planet is the one they should treasure most. All of us must have reverence for nature. As we assume our responsibilities for the planet, we become participants rather than spectators in the majesty of nature. "

John R. Smith
Acting President, 1970 – 1971

President Robert Ewilgleben

"The location of our university in the beautiful Muskegon River Valley was by no means an accident. Woodbridge Ferris sought a place where a new school could enhance the lives of young men and women as well as improve the environment that the institution would serve. His institution continues to successfully follow those commitments he envisioned as our founder."

Robert L. Ewilgleben
President, 1971 – 1984

President Robert Ewilgleben

"…After we are gone, our students are gone, the buildings are gone—the one enduring living feature of Ferris will be this place of nature."

J. William Wenrich
President, 1984 – 1988

Interim President Roy J Tiede

"When one tugs at a single thing in nature, they find it attached to the rest of the world. Education at Ferris is to unsettle the minds of the young and inflame their intellect. This place will serve as a reminder to our commitment to an our joy of nature."

Roy J. Tiede
Interim President, 1988 - 1989

President Helen Popovich

Stripped of autumns finery.
Bare black branches
Lie spiderwebbed against the evening sky.
In them the nature lover sees
Fixed guardians of spring blossoms
And the lush green of summer.

Helen Popovich
President, 1989 - 1994

President William Sederburg

"As humans we are intrinsically dependent on our environment for both sustenance and inspiration. A well-educated person understands and values the relationship."

William A. Sederburg 
President, 1994 – 2003 

President Scott Hill-Kennedy

Behold. Look around.
This is your laboratory, the natural world. It is all around us, and it is us.
It inspires.
You will experiment in it your entire life and learn much that matters.
Treasure it whenever and wherever you find it.

Scott Hill-Kennedy
Interim President, May - July 2003

President David Eisler

"The earth belongs not to us, but to our creator. As good stewards we protect it for our children and our children’s children."

David L. Eisler
President, 20023 - 2022