Purchasing Department
420 Oak Street
Prakken Building 250
Big Rapids, MI 49307-2020
Email:[email protected]
Phone: (231) 591-2165
Fax: (231) 591-3902
To get access to the Banner System several forms need to be completed and signed by appropriate personnel prior to getting access. All forms can be found on MyFSU under the MyWorkplace or MyBanner tab and Security Access and Training. A Confidential Data Security Agreement is required prior to access.
There are three types of Banner forms: 1) Banner Finance, 2) Banner HR , and 3) Banner Accounts Receivable, Financial Aid, and Student. Fill out the form(s) you need to do your job.
If you don't know which ones you need, please contact your supervisor or call the Data Security Office at (231) 591-2132.