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Room Reservations.
Available Workshops & Classes

The 5-Step Lateral Reading Workshop
Based on Standford's Civic Online Reasoning Program
- Librarian-led workshop
- 30-50 minutes
- This workshop teaches the process of Lateral Reading in order to guide students in
an understanding of Civic Online Reasoning - the ability to effectively search for,
evaluate, and verify social and political information online.
- Pairs well with The Trust Issues Class

The New York Times (NYT) Workshop
- Librarian-led workshop
- 50-90 minutes workshop
- FLITE Library is starting a subscription to the New York Times platform and app
- Students will learn to use the New York Times website and download the NYT app and
The Athletic to their phones.
- Librarians will work with instructors prior to class to build news and civic engagement-based

The Search & Destroy Class
For transferrable database search skills.
- Librarian-led workshop
- Librarian-led post-game discussion
- A multi-player card game that teaches database search skills
- Skills:
- Search string design
- Keyword selection
- Basic Boolean
- Faceting
- Peer review
- "Friendly competition"

For practice in resource writing.
- Students play a card game designed to illuminate issues of authority, context, intent,
and expertise
- Gameplay is approximately 30 minutes
- Librarian can do a follow-up discussion for remaining class time, if requested
- This class would pair well with the Lateral Reading Workshop

The Traditional Research Assignment Workshop
- Students come to class with a defined assignment and pre-selected topics
- Librarian works with students to actively brainstorm keywords
- Students search both SmartSearch and subject databases
- Students leave the class with a large amount of research completed for their assignments

The A.I. Research Workshop
A contemporary spin on the Traditional Research Assignment Workshop.
- Librarian-led class
- 50-75 minutes
- Students will consider when it is appropriate to use A.I. tools in their higher education
research assignments
- Students are guided through the use of A.I. in their research process, and a careful
transition to traditional library resources

The Simmons Insights Class
For demographic information.
- Librarian-led class
- 50 minutes
- This class will teach students to find demographics on a product or service
- Helps students define a target market or a competitor's target market

Research and A.I. Design of Visual ReseaRch Assignments Workshop
For small, advanced groups.
- Librarian-led workshop
- Choice of one 75 minute class or two 50 minute classes
- Research, A.I., and design components
- Students will learn to use the following tools:
- Discord
- MidJourney
- ChatGPT
- Traditional Library Databases

Contemporary Copyright Workshop or Drop-In Information Session
- Librarian-led workshop
- Choice of a 50-75 minute class or a 20 minute drop-in session
- Collaboration between the Copyright/Law Librarian and the Creative Learning Librarian
- Covers:
- Copyright law
- Creative Commons (finding and creating materials)
- A.I. Copyright law and its evolution