1010 Campus Drive
Big Rapids, MI
Main Telephone
(231) 591-3500
Check-Out Desk
(231) 591-2669
Reference Desk
(231) 591-3602
(231) 591-3731
(231) 821-5499
Phone: (231) 591-3731
Fax: (231) 591-3724
Email: [email protected]
Office: FLT 358 and Alumni 101
As the University Archivist, Melinda McMartin Isler collects, preserves and provides
access to materials on the history of Ferris State University. Materials range from
university histories to classroom objects. In addition to providing access to historical
documents, Melinda coordinates the records management program for the university.
As Special Collections Librarian, Melinda is responsible for specialized collections
including university theses, the Ferris Collection, Michigan Collection and the Special
Employed at Ferris since 2002