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The Work Ahead

***The staff of the Jim Crow Museum receives dozens of letters and emails. Some of these communiques offer insight into race relations -- historically and in the present. While some are hateful, we have decided to share some of these letters and emails with our Internet visitors.***

I am a student at Central Michigan University and I was present at "Issue Day" when you gave your presentation. I just wanted to say thank you very much for what you and your colleagues are doing with the museum. I hope to visit it very soon.

I am a very light skinned biracial man (Black and white) and I can pass for white to a lot of people. Because of this, I hear all kinds of racist and offensive remarks while the offender doesn't realize who is sitting in the room. It has become very discouraging for me. When I meet white people now, I am hesitant to become good friends with them until they know my background if they don't already. There have been too many times where I have met who I thought was a cool person and then they turn around and make an ignorant comment.

I have a huge appreciation and love for black culture and a huge interest in the Civil Rights movement and other Black history topics. When I hear about things such as your museum that are very instrumental in informing many people, it gives me a lot of hope. The more people learn about what our ancestors had to go through, the better. So again, thank you for giving me hope that people will learn about these issues.

Terren Massey
Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
-- Dec. 6, 2005